Tag: Marketing

How To Understand Your Audience

So, my girlfriend sent me a message yesterday asking about a laptop she wanted to buy.

Here’s the message:

I asked her what colour the laptop was. Lol

Now, if you noticed the ensuing conversation, you’d see she took my reply seriously, whereas I was making a joke and just messing with her.

Now the thing is I could have started going down into talking about specifications and blah blah blah about the laptop. Even going as far as sounding like a laptop salesman.

But what’s cute is I could finish talking about everything I knew about laptops and she might end up buying another laptop because it’s pink in colour.

Or because it’s cute.

Now, no disrespect to my woman who is smart as hell, as she shows here.

But the truth is that it’s important to know and understand your audience before selling to them.

My woman doesn’t work in tech, but she writes and makes videos so that laptop should be good enough.

But as someone who cares about form and aesthetics, does it also catch her eye?

This is why I teach students in my sales and marketing community that other things can sell a product other than functionality or features.

People buy because of benefits.

But they also buy because of how they feel about it in the present.

Or how they would feel about the product in future.

Does it tap into an emotion?

Does it elicit or tap into a certain desire?

Does it catch their eye?

Does it make them fulfilled?

Peace of mind? Freedom? Vanity? Prestige?

There’s a reason why religious groups spend so much money designing and building their places of worship.

Aren’t you awed when you see those magnificent churches and mosques and temples?

Grandeur – that is it.

That’s how King Solomon stole God’s heart overnight.

Even God who created all things was moved by the splendour on display. Talk less of humans.

What else does your product give your customers apart from function?

Those are questions you should ask when trying to sell.

The Most Unusual Marketing Stories of All Time IV: Christianity

As at the time of Jesus’ death, even after walking the length and breadth of Israel for 3 and a half years, he mostly had just a small core following – 11 disciples and a few friends here and there, like Lazarus, and his sisters.

Even the affluent ones like Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea were low key.

So, how did one of the greatest group explosions occur?

How did the early Christians get up to 3,000 & 5,000 people to join them at once on two different days?

What Made It Work?

How did they carry out one of the greatest marketing strategies the world has ever known and yet hasn’t been able to figure out?

Mind you, I’m not about to say anything spiritual.

I just want to explain in marketing terms how a small business can be grown using the early Christian church growth strategy.

1. Minimum Viable Audience

According to Seth Godin, hereโ€™s how it works: โ€œIf you can find an audience of people who, if they were to care about you, if they were to embrace you, if they were to dance with you, it would be sufficient to propel you to the next step, begin there.  And if what you make and share with them is amazing, they will tell the others.”

In the creator economy, it is said you need just 1,000 core fans to earn and sustain a living.

1,000 core fans that can go to war for you.

1,000 core fans that can buy everything you put out.

Jesus needed just 11.

This also ties in with the next point.

2. Word Of Mouth Marketing

“In the name of Jesus, Amen.”

Probably the most powerful and most spoken 6 words in the history of religion and mankind.

After the death of Jesus, his disciples preached and carried out works in his name.

Note that last part – in his name.

There is nothing as powerful as someone recommending your product or service to someone else who hasn’t met you or knows you. Or hasn’t used your stuff.

Or even if they’ve heard of you before, a recommendation further lends more credibility to your product/service offering.

Imagine people who had already heard of the eccentric preacher but never met him? Then going out and hearing people preach in his name.

Even get beaten, dragged and ridiculed for his name.


You need people to talk about the awesomeness of your products. That’s why Apple is regarded as a cult.

3. Be Different

Jesus was eccentric. He spoke truth to power. He dined with tax collectors and politicians. He talked the scriptures flawlessly. He was friends with sinners. He walked around with a ragtag band of loyal followers.

But in all of this, he was different.

The Bible says a couple of times “they’d never seen anyone or heard anyone speak like this man.”

You can be a white or black or brown cow and nobody will notice you. But imagine being a purple cow.

Your prospect sees a lot of people trying to sell the same thing you’re trying to sell to them, so why should they listen to you?

Why should they give you their time?

Because they think you’re worth it because you’re different.

4. Testimonials/Proof

I tell my students this all the time that first people will ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then they ask you how you do it, then they become fans of your work and then you win.

But you have to prove it first.

That’s why proof is important. It’s your biggest weapon against doubters and naysayers.

It’s how you turn them into fans.

5. Relatability

Jesus’ disciples were mostly laymen with no formal education or scriptural training.

Some were fishermen.

One was a zealot or protester.

Others were almost obscure people.

But that’s one thing that worked in their favour – you could relate with them.

This is something that your customers need – they want to be able to relate with either you the product or service creator, or the product or service you’re offering.

Think about Eminem. Think about Coca-Cola.

Is your brand relatable?

6. Authority/Conviction

Remember these were laymen with little or no formal education or scriptural training.

But one thing marketing has proven time and over again is that when you believe in your product, it shows in how you talk about it.

The Bible says, “they spoke with authority and power.”

How much conviction do you speak with when describing your product?

Do you talk about your craft with passion?

How knowledgeable are you about your audience and product?

If someone stops you in the middle of nowhere, can you have a conversation with them about your business without needing any help or guides?

7. Value

How much value are you giving away? Free stuff? Discounts? Quality Help?

This was what the disciples did with their miracles and acts of kindness.

And it further proves that people don’t necessarily care about you.

But they care about what you can do for them.

This is the root of human relationships.

It’s how you build bridges – by giving something away.

And the law of reciprocity always works for generous people and businesses – as long as you ensure it doesn’t hurt your business.

Your customers will give you something back.

I hope this helps you.

– Uche

PS: You should also follow me on www.twitter.com/ucheokorolive where I tweet things I’d naturally not say here.

4 Business, Sales & Marketing Lessons I Learned From Crazy Rich Asians.

Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan is one of the few books I’ve read that I couldn’t keep down.

I read it at a low point in my life. So, I can say it was one of the highlights for me that year.

I read it the whole night and up to the next morning.

It felt like listening to Watch The Throne the first time.

The opulence. The drip. A front-seat view into the hidden lives of rich people.

What’s funny is how I couldn’t even stand the movie. That’s gist for another day though.

But aside from how entertaining the book was, I also learned a few things about business, sales and marketing.

1. Understand your business and your audience.

These two go hand in hand together because it’s in completely understanding your business, product or service offering that you gain insight into how it can help your customer.

It’s also in understanding the needs of your customer that you know how to position yourself in a way that helps them & makes it profitable for you both.

Don’t sleep on it.

2. Function is not the only reason people buy.

People advertising their products or services blindly focus on features 90% of the time.

They forget that people don’t only buy something because of what it can do for them, they also buy because of what the product/service makes them feel.

There’s sentiment, sex appeal, power, luxury, jealousy, envy, exclusivity etc. All these and more are some of the reasons why people buy.

3. Today’s buyers are more sophisticated than ever. But yet, they still have a monkey brain like their ancestors.

In simpler terms, there’s an emotional reason why people buy or love your product. Target it.

4. Marketing is mostly about perception and less about reality.

Whoever told you a book isn’t judged by its cover or appearance or title lied to you.

There’s a reason why branding and packaging make your stuff more ‘buyable’.

Think of how to improve your product/service. But also think of how to improve how your product/service is offered.

Don’t serve delicious food on a dirty table.

I hope this helps you.

If you liked this article, you should be following me too on twitter.com/ucheokorolive

I tweet about business, sales, books, investing, marketing and occasional Thomas Tuchel agenda ๐Ÿ˜

A Business Lesson From That Night In Porto.

If there’s one money lesson I’ve learned, but I had to be reminded of again from Chelsea winning the Champions League it is to by all means avoid sunk cost fallacy.

Sunk cost is the misconception that you need to pump more money or time into a bad investment and ‘force’ it to become profitable, or else all the time and money you already invested would have been for nothing.

People spend more time at a job that doesn’t fulfil them because they feel if they put in more time then it’d get better.

People stay in a relationship that drains them hoping their partners will change if they could just show them a little more love.

It’s a fallacy!

In reality, you end up wasting the new investment as well. No upside.

There are two important rules of business, knowing when to get in and when to get out. Of the two, knowing when to get out is the most important.” – Hymie Levy (The Power Of One)

I’m a stickler for determination and holding on, but whether in a relationship or business, sometimes it’s better to end it. At least for your mental health.

Not everything will work even with consistency.

Sometimes an idea might not be saleable or the market might not like or want your product or it can’t just work.

What many people do is they try to force it into working because they’ve either spent too much time or money on it.

But that’s hustling backwards.

I understand the motivational industry tells you to keep trying. But sometimes the best solution is to walk away & cut your losses.

Sometimes, the best solution is to pivot, re-strategize and come back from a different angle.

We have so many companies, musicians, artists who started with a particular product idea or concept & when it wasn’t working they had to go back to the drawing board & rebrand.

Or sometimes even change direction entirely.

There’s no shame in that.

You don’t have money & time to waste.

You shouldn’t be flogging a dead horse.

This is what Roman Abramovich proved when he sacked Frank Lampard despite his status as a club legend and replaced him with Thomas Tuchel.

Business and sentiments are like oil and water, they don’t mix well.

Know this and know peace.

How To Come Up With Big Ideas

I had noodles for breakfast at the office this morning.

As much as I’ve never been a big fan of noodles, I’m thinking about how far we’ve come as Nigerians eating noodles.

You see, Nigerians had never eaten noodles before Indomie came in.

They even accused the Indians of trying to feed them worms.

And it was a serious struggle for Tolaram (makers of Indomie) to sell it to us.

But the makers had a target – an inexpensive easy to prepare a meal that would carter to two things:

– The average Nigerian didn’t have a lot of money but needed to eat.

– The average working-class Nigerian (woman) didn’t have time to prepare food because it’s time-wasting.

It’s even said penetrating the market was so hard they didn’t make any profit for the first 4 years they operated.

Whatever they made they kept reinvesting into the business.

But once they blew up, it was MASSIVE!!!

And this brings me to the concept of coming up with big ideas.

You see, to come up with a big idea, you either create demand or chase demand.

The easiest way is to chase demand. You’re just going to have more competition.

The hardest is creating demand and it’s like 200x harder than chasing demand.

But it’s like crack because when it works, it’s fire!!!! Some addictive shit!

Think of Defi & crypto

People have always been looking for ways to move money without hassles or being noticed.

Whether for good – asset protection, importation of goods etc, or for bad – tax evasion, funding terrorism, paying for drugs, prostitutes etc.

If you’ve heard of The Silk Road, you’ll catch my drift.

If you haven’t, well, itย was an onlineย black marketย and the first modernย darknet market, best known as a platform for selling illegal drugs.

Rich people or people with an eye for investment have always been looking for a new asset class or store of value for their wealth.

Defi came in chasing a demand – for mostly rich people, investors, nerds, geeks & rebels looking to beat the system or just people with sinister plans.

That was big money but to a smaller pool of people.

It became bigger when average people figured out a way to make money daily from cryptocurrency – by trading it.

Think of Airpods

Apple took out earphone jacks first and told you it was to give the phone a better overall look.

Then they packaged earbuds and sold them to you as swag later on ๐Ÿ˜

That’s how they created demand.

There are other noodles in the Nigerian market nowadays, but there’s a reason why we call all noodles Indomie.

And that’s because creating demand is crazy.

Joe Schriefer (the copy chief at Agora Financial) had this to say about big ideas:
I’d say 80% of our ideas are chasing demand. The other 20% are wildly swinging shots that we’re trying to create demand for.

These fail 90% of the time, but the 1 out of 10 that we do have when we create demand can be a grand slam.

Now if you can do that, that can also put you in the 1000 orders a day range, and much higher than that (some of our best promotions have done over 10,000 sales a day).

So, you can chase demand and hit the 1000 order a day range and have a lot of competition, or you can create demand and carve out a nice moat that the competition can’t keep up with.

This is creating a demand style of coming up with big ideas falls within the part of the economy called non-consumption as explained in The Prosperity Paradox.

I won’t go into explaining that in this tweet.

But @TheEmmaIbekwe once made a tweet asking why fufu was more popular than yam in Igboland despite yam’s status as King of crops and I told him it was because of:


N50 Santana would hold body, soul & spirit together. But king of crops is too proud to be satchetized ๐Ÿ˜ญ


King of crops means yam is darn expensive compared to fufu.
– Seasonality
– Durability

That’s a template for your big idea.

Let it guide you.

By the way, if you haven’t read The Prosperity Paradox by @EfosaEjomo and @ClayChristensen, you’re sleeping on a bicycle.


Yam is special because of it’s seasonality.


You can warm fufu.

But how dare you warm the king of crops? How dare you?

That’s a template for your big idea.

Let it guide you.

By the way, if you haven’t read The Prosperity Paradox by @EfosaEjomo and @ClayChristensen, you’re sleeping on a bicycle.

Asking The Right Questions When Writing Copy

A question most of us DR people don’t ask when we are creating copy is “What is going on in the world that is influencing or might influence and shape the decision making by our prospect?”

This is why most copy falls flat because we try to copy old sales messages from back in the day that were speaking to issues prevalent at the time.

Plus, some of the adjectives and language you think would elicit certain reactions in your prospect’s mind have either been overused or irrelevant at the moment.

Case in point, RELEVANCE!

Was on a Twitter Space last night hosted by @bruno_nwogu when @ronaldnzimora highlighted this.

So, quick tip:

Are you Nigerian & you’re creating copy for stock investing?

You can highlight:

– The importance of earning in dollars to keep up with inflation.

– How muddled investing in the NSE is.

– You can scrounge through comments and see people who bought shares of prominent companies years ago and those shares are worthless now.

But most of these things are already known. So, what do you do?

Either connect a past event (history repeats itself) or a current event that ties in with your marketing message.

What of how Nigerians interested in moving abroad can use their American stock portfolios as proof of earnings?

Mad idea abi? I say make I dash una that one ๐Ÿ˜

Are you creating copy for crypto?

Instead of talking about the technicalities of white papers and Defi, you can highlight how your prospect can make good money off crypto and not bother about his holdings whether Elon Musk tweets or not.

My Igbo brothers were early adopters of crypto because it promised them they could pay for their goods without all the CBN stress this current regime has been causing.

If you’re creating copy for pension schemes, how about using Argentina, France & Venezuela governments borrowing from their pension schemes & then their economy falling into tatters as examples? And then tying them to the Nigerian government trying to do the same.

It may work shaa ๐Ÿ˜

@ronaldnzimora talked about a copy he wrote for saving money abroad using the Biafra War and the outcome for Igbos as a pain point.

This is how you create a sales message – drawing a thread between the past, present and future.

I hope this helps.

– Uche

How Sales and Marketing Works.

Do you want to understand how sales and marketing work?

Then watch how a typical Nigerian Pentecostal Church operates to understand how.

I’ll explain below ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿฟ

At the end of the service, the pastor or whoever assists him asks for first-timers.

Then they get a free welcome song – You’re Welcome In The Name Of The Lord is usually the song of choice.

Members of the church hug them or shake them and welcome them to the church.

Some give you a gift – soft drink, meat pie, jollof rice or sometimes a jotter & pen etc ๐Ÿ˜

All for FREE.

Look at this when crafting your offers while trying to sell a product – this is how gifts & bonuses work.

“I’ll add you to my special group/community where you’ll meet other guys like you killing it”

“You get this, this & that when you become a member”


This work as first-person reviews and word of mouth marketing.

A typical example is when they’re about to raise money or ask for seeds.

Some members are called to talk about how their situations at one point in time changed after they had sown seeds.

You’re sitting in the audience telling yourself this church won’t get 5 Naira from me…

Until someone tells a story about the time when they failed a course & were supposed to rewrite it. But then, the lecturer asked them to sort, but instead of sorting, they took that money & dropped it as a seed.

Well, a miracle happened.

The lecturer fell sick & a better lecturer took up the course and that was how they passed.

In your mind, you’re like “Wow, so this thing works?”

Oya, go to the front and drop seed joor ๐Ÿ˜

By the way, the story above was a true story.


“Hello, Brother Uche, how are you today? We just called to check up on you. Hope you’re good.”

Then they assign a beautiful sister to check up on you ๐Ÿ˜

I remembered a few fine sisters that were on my matter in University.

They were the reason I used to attend midweek services and cell meetings ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿฟโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Ours are emails and DMs with discounts & last minute offers.


Choir, ushers, worker groups etc.

But in our case, emails, Facebook, and Telegram groups.

Traffic generation works as crusades, seminars, programs, evangelism and other activities.

Whereas we run ads and promotions.

The controversial part is how tithing and sowing seeds make you emotionally invested in the activities.

That’s almost how the difference between getting a course for free and paying for access works.

You want to get your money’s worth.

When they tell you pastors are the biggest and best salespeople, don’t doubt it.

PS: I’m not dragging your pastor. I’m just stating the obvious.

How To Make A Godfather Offer.

We always hear how the OFFER is the most important thing in any sales and marketing message.

The common theme around this is called The Godfather offer.

“I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse.”

A statement by Don Vito Corleone from the movie The Godfather.

And most times, we believe crafting an offer involves giving a lot of things to our prospects.

But is that what the Holy Father, Don Corleone would do?

Of course, not.

Don Vito Corleone, The Godfather understood one simple thing.

Something the great philosopher Brymo Olawale said too.


But Don Corleone went past understanding wants and needs.

He also knew what his prospect WANTED or NEEDED.

If the Mafia families needed peace to do their business, he gave it to them.

If a competitor wanted more territory, he’ll give it to them as long as he knew it wouldn’t be a problem for him in future.

Or just kill them if they were going to stress him out.

The guy with the morgue said he wanted justice, but he knew he needed vengeance and told him point blank.

If someone needed their ego to be massaged, he knew what to do.

And if someone NEEDED to die, well, he’d oblige them ๐Ÿ˜

The thing is, offers aren’t just about throwing your menu or catalogue at your prospects.

Neither are there about gifts or freebies.

Offers are not just about prices either. Even though that’s important too.

But it’s more about zeroing on the ONE thing your prospect wants or needs.

Not twenty things.

What do you think a guy who hasn’t been in a relationship for the last five years needs?

A woman who’ll be in a relationship with him, of course.

And giving him that is a MASSIVE victory.

But the easiest thing you can do for him is helping him get a woman to go on a date with him.

It might be too simple for you, the offer maker, but it might be everything he needs at that point first.

That small victory is what builds up to the bigger victory of getting a girlfriend.

But all of these depends on the reason why he hasn’t been in a relationship in the last 5 years.

It might be that he goes on lots of dates but can’t just get someone to commit to.

This is why ASSUMPTION in sales and marketing is dangerous.

This is where EXCELLENT research bails you out.

Zeroing on one thing isn’t just about your product buyer.

It could also be about your user.

It’s common knowledge that your product user might not be your product buyer.

We’ve seen this in real estate when families buy houses.

The man pays for it, but if the kitchen is too small, the woman might tell him not to take it.

But focusing on user against buyer doesn’t always work.

As we’ve seen in families too.

A mini tab for learning for kids won’t be bought by the kids.

It’ll be bought by their parents.

So, who do you convince in this instance?

The buyer of course.

Because why would a parent want to get a learning tab for their kids?

Off the top of my head, I’ll say to give them a bright future, to make them learned and educated Bla bla bla.

But the real underlying truth is these parents want to be the proud parents of a brilliant child.

Imagine when their kids are called up to 5, 7, 10, 15x during their school’s prize-giving day.

Imagine when they walk down the street and people point at them and say “that’s the mother of that brilliant girl”.

Imagine when other parents gush about how well trained their children are during PTA meetings.

That’s your key – PRIDE.

Don Corleone might have been the master of making offers.

But he was better at understanding his prospects, whether rivals, competitors, partners, friends and family.

Understanding them helped him CRAFT his offers.

He knew what you wanted or needed, and he knew how to give it to you.

Godfather Offers are great, but they are only possible with understanding what your prospect NEEDS, and this is only possible through GREAT research & observation.

Then ZEROING in on these needs and offering it to them is how you win.


Why Dating Apps Work & Why We Should All Learn From Them.

Most guys feel a hormonal rush when they are about to approach a woman.

It puts them in fight or flight mode.

Heart beating, nervousness, change in walking steps, some even stutter and some have sweaty palms.

To seasoned players, it’s classic fight mode.

The hormonal rush is like a rush of blood to the head and it edges them on and motivates them.

To the rookies,  9 times out of 10, they run away.

Now, where do dating apps come in?

First of all, nowadays approaching people in real life is a massive problem for a lot of people, men and women inclusive – and that includes the seasoned pros and the rookies.

Humans hate getting rejected.

This is the biggest problem most people have.

Plus, there are lots of people with self-esteem issues.

Think of the nerds, the unpopular, the geeks, even the super-duper good looking guy or girl has insecurities too.

So, how do we come up with an approach that helps them without the embarrassment of getting rejected in real life?

Well, dating apps use a unique mechanism: they help you approach women (or men) without approaching them in the real sense of the word.

An app like Tinder or Badoo lets you put up your best looking picture.

Then gives you a suggestion of different women (or men) – you just need to swipe.

It’s like a buffet with different kinds of women (and men) – just kill & eat.

People can also be weird and type things they won’t naturally be able to say in real life.

They can even delete their chats or profiles if shit hits the fan.

A marketing story I once heard was that Tinder was launched on a college campus, and the marketing strategy was simple.

They went to the sorority houses and encouraged the girls to sign up.

And then they went to the fraternities and encouraged the guys to sign up (with the girl’s pictures onboarded already).

College is where you see lots of young lonely people (who might be leaving home for the first time in their lives) with a strong fear of rejection and a surge of hormones coursing through their veins.

It was a fucking classic move! ๐Ÿ˜

So, if someone likes you and you like them, boom!

Job done!

There’s a match.

Secondly, the use of upsells.

They tell you to join and that the app is free.

Then you sign up and see a bunch of people.

Then they show you some blurred pictures (even though these pictures are blurred, you know the person in them is good looking) ๐Ÿ˜

Then they tell you to pay for premium content.

Another classic move!

Rihanna once was asked how come she looked so pretty all the time.

She just laughed and said, “It’s just camera, lighting and angles.”

Now, this is something dating apps leverage (most times unknowingly).

Lemme explain.

Well, there are lots of people who look better in real life than in pictures, but they either don’t know or they are not so confident.

Here’s where dating apps come in again.

There are also lots of people who look better in pictures than in real life.

Well, here’s another place where dating apps come in.

So at the end of the day, they can easily carter to lots of different people and it’s a win-win for everyone.

So, what do we need to learn from dating apps while creating offers or making products?

1. Target your audience’s biggest frustration.

2. Build according to that frustration.

3. Use their frustration and sell it to them.

4. Bait them with free or a discounted value, then charge them a premium for more.

I hope this helps you.

– Uche

How To Sell To People With Money.

There’s a restaurant close to my friend’s house where I go to eat when I’m in his area.

Maybe someday I’ll talk about how my friend doesn’t cook and I have to go to a restaurant and eat whenever I’m visiting him.

But today, I want to talk about selling to people with money – something I learned from the people serving at this restaurant.

Now, this is something I used to do too because my mother had a restaurant.

And I grew up managing it from secondary school up to a few years in the university.

The idea was simple.

Whenever we had a new customer at the restaurant – a customer that looked like they had money – we were supposed to sell to them at a higher price.

For example, if the price of food, say a plate of fufu with soup and a piece of meat was N250, we could sell it to this new customer with money for N500, N700, N1000 or even N1,500.

But we had to make the food look like it was worth the price.

So, what to do?

Serve them their plate of fufu with an extra or 2 or 3 extra pieces of meat, a sizeable stockfish by the side and a little bit more soup than they’d normally finish.

And it almost always worked.

And boy!!!!!! The profit margins were crazy.

I mean, imagine selling 100 plates of food a day at N250 each.

You made N25,000.

But now imagine selling 50 of those same 100 plates at N1,000. That was N50,000

Another 25 at say N500 would be N12,500 and the remaining 25 at N250 would be N6,250.

You’ll be making N68,750 instead of N25,000.

An extra 40k+.

More profit, fewer efforts, fewer expenses.

But why did this strategy work?

1. Packaging

First of all, the food was goddamn delicious. My mama na superstar chef ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฟ

Then the food being served had to look like the price it was being sold for – extra pieces of meat, stockfish and extra soup.

We’d even add bottled water even if it was sachet water that we gave normally ๐Ÿ˜

Sometimes, we’ll even ask if you wanted a bottle of beer or a soft drink.

2. Quality Audience

Phyno once said “inafu dimkpa, inu isi ego”.

For the non-Igbo speakers reading this, it meant if you see a rich person, you won’t need to be told.

So, if the customer didn’t look like they had money, then we wouldn’t even try to pull it off.

3. Positioning

Ikom, Cross River State was a small town where everyone almost knew everyone.

So, when someone from out of town asked for somewhere they could get good food, our name usually got mentioned.

This meant that if you walked into my restaurant for the first time, I’d know.

And by heavens, I’ll bill you ๐Ÿ˜

4. Traffic

Ikom might have been a small town, but it was also a border town.

So, we saw lots of people either going into or coming from Cameroon, or passing to or coming back from Obudu Cattle Ranch.

We saw new people every day.

Of course, this backfired a few times, lol.

You served this ‘packaged’ meal to someone and you end up finding out they didn’t have money.

Hot tears!

But the failure rate was so small that it was always worth it.

And just for context, the last time this happened was over 6 years ago.

But well, some days back I went to eat at this restaurant and they served me food with an extra piece of meat, stockfish and a little extra soup ๐Ÿ˜

Then the girl asked me if I wanted pure water or bottled water.

But it didn’t ring in my head until I was about to pay and then she told me the price.

Ahahn, karma!!!!!

Wait, shebi I look like a person wey get money?๐Ÿ˜

But I felt so happy paying even because it rolled back the years for me.

But then, why did I share this?

Well, maybe you have a business idea and you’ve been thinking about how to sell.

Or you’re scared of selling because what you want to sell is expensive and you are trying not to sell to broke people.

Well, to sell to people with money, you need 4 things:

1. Packaging

2. Quality Audience (of people with money)

3. Positioning and

4. Traffic

I call this the 4 Step High Ticket Pricing Strategy of selling to people with money.

And you could use this same strategy to craft out a sales format for your business.

I hope it works for you.

I wish you the best.

– Uche